Friday, March 24, 2006

The Dixie Chicks says they are not ready to be nice..........that's sweet.

A taxi cab passenger from Houston said on National TV that "REDNECKS" should give up their heritage and stop hating people who are a different complexion to them. He did not say that the white folks of the deep South persuasion, should give up their history.
He meant that the folks best known for their wanton hatred, should give it up and join the Human Race. Man, If that ever happens , this country will become greater than it has been over the last three centuries.

This may not happen in the Life time of this Planet.
There maybe people willing to kill and die to ensure that the REDNECK NATION remain deprived and dependent on the Republican Party ideology to make them feel wanted and important. The truth is that Redneck Nation has become straw to the Rich and wealthy ideologues , who have developed a time proven strategy of lighting the straw, with Buzz words , to build and strengthen their support.

The sad thing about this stranglehold on an unfortunate people, is that, ALL over the RED States in Trailer Parks (mobile Parks) REDNECKS live in utter and deplorable living conditions without much education and medical support.
Fed by a daily dose of negative and hateful misinformation by the Right Wing star Radio talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News type of straitjacket indoctrinators. These famous Citizens of the Red states can find no peace, they are forever encouraged and cajoled, to hate somebody.

As early as the 17th century the Kings of England , forced their subjects from various parts of England , Scotland and Ireland to migrate to the Colonies, the USA , the Caribbean and Australia. For some reason these folks never received the admiration of the general White world, and easily developed a streak of resentment for things that were not part of their experience or world.
This resentment was ultimately encouraged to be directed towards slaves and former for nearly three hundred years.

For a people who barely had more than the slaves, it is remarkable how they developed such anger against a people that were not in any way threatening to them. So although RED NATION met some Africans and Native Americans when they landed in the west, someone set them up to be Haters rather than fighters for their own salvations.

The Dixie Chicks criticism and rejection of President Bush and his administration, was instructive, as it seem to say that they were fed up of the abuse and misuse of REDNECK NATION's loyalty , with nothing in return but dilapidated housing and lives.
I support you DIXIE go girls I love your latest CD

1 comment:

Vulture 6 said...

And what about your hatred? Why don’t you let it go as a first step in creating utopia?