Friday, January 18, 2008


blog advertising

The computer without doubt has to be placed alongside the wheel as one of the greatest inventions of the Human Race. The wheel by itself or together other components helped take the standard of life on this planet from bitterly crude to almost embarrassingly luxurious.
Similarly the computer is having the same kind of impact on people everywhere on Earth. In addition to all things we know the computer has done to and for modern civilization, it has now made it possible for every computer owner to make money using our natural ability to talk to someone about a product or service.
SMORTY is an online company that will pay you to write convincing words (copy) , on behalf of their advertisers, to visitors to your blog about their products or service. This is Electronic Commerce (e commerce) , the business opportunity of the 21st century, at its inexpensive best.
This is how it works. You get paid to write on your blog. You get paid to advertise on your, even if you not a trained advertiser working for an advertising company. If you are a blogger and can write a convincing story , then, BAM!!, you can get paid for blogging. To blog for money is the easy way to make some decent money online.
If you are new to making money via the internet, this is a great place to start, blog advertising is like persuading your new attraction to accept your invitation to enjoy an evening out. So why only blog to express your passion and the joy of communicating, you can also blog for money with the same passion and satisfaction. Simply click on the following link and BAM!!.... begin making cool money.

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