Carriage Langue is like TAXI TALK, where new friends are established every day. They discuss topics of daily interests, such as Politics, Sports, peoples business, personal health, and life's up and downs.CARRIAGE LANGUE is, WE, the people talking during our travels on the speedy train of life.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
We have seen this insane violent rhetoric in politics before, during the 1960's and 1970's throughout South America and the oppressed people gained their independence and freedom from minority class domination, both internal and international ,the right wing lunatics began to incite violence.
This GOP party has always harboured and nuttured the ideology of right wing violence, reflected in actions by Klu Klux Klan, skin heads, neo nazis, old time fascists, wealthy crooks and anti american politicians.
Many of these anti American nationalists see this period , of SAVING AMERICA, the same way the the defeated Conferderates saw the abolition of slavery and the period where African Americans were leading the movement to rebuild and SAVE THE SOUTH. The reaction of some "crazy" Senators Male and Female is reminiscent of the Southern Big Landowners , their politicians and chargehands during the Reconstruction period . The words of hate are the same.
Many speakers at this conference want to use the "nigger" in referencing the President, but are unsure of the pubicity and their Mobile Park base reactions.
The klu Klax klan was formed during that period 1864 to 1874 when African Americans were elected to Congress and were putting their talents to work to rebuild the America after the Civil War. Today we are hearing talk of "coup" like violent talk of taking back "we" country from " the black man ", you know thats what they mean.
Who is going to respond to this, so-called soft call for violence, it will be the same group or class of folks who responded to the same call to "take back we country" against the leadership of FREDERICK DOUGLAS and other white and black progressives over a 140 years ago. They are already organised in their groups and are armed. They were among the heavy buyers of ammunitions just after President Barack Obama was elected.
t Back then it was Small Farmers, farm helpers, former soldiers of the confederate army, lazy bums,Cowhands, Ranchers and all white men who were encouraged to believe that slavery was a natural birth right of the African and white men had dominion over all men not white.
After 500 hundred years of the greatest the first mistake of humankind , slavery, skillfully and willfully, dehaumanising fellow humans to work as chattell free labor to make a minority class or feudal group rich. The AMERICAN G.O.P. STILL UPHOLDS THAT DESIRE TO OWN SLAVES AND RULE SOCIETY AS FEUDAL LORDS AND FASCISTS DICTATORS.
As a group that are very much similar to the Taliban in outlook and desire for domination or they will smash up the place and it residents. The crazy female Senator from Minnesota , can be likened to any overzealous militant in the extreme Islamic fundamental Movement. Completely devoid of commensense, just as former Senator Tom Delay, but full of selfishness , greed, and general hatred for the American people.
Non of what we had seen and heard from the Republicans and their Representatives , since January 20th 2009 , reflects the spirit, of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy or Bill Clinton.( It may reflect a tangible bit of Mr. "all for the rich"Ronald Reagan).
Neither does it reflect the guiding principles of the THE GREAT AMERICAN CONSTITUTION, or the promise to be exemplar citizens of America and the World. This in my estimation , represents counter- productivity, counter - progressive, counter- the American Revolution and its therefore ANTI -AMERICAN. The Progressive Movement and all democratic loving people should condemn and expose this blatant call to violence on the unarmed American people.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
President Barack Obama on Tuesday , February 24 2009, outlined a economic concept that will and should wrestle from the contaminated claws of the very greedy and selfish American Upper Class, the unnecessary domination of Economic and Financial America.
As a country with the most sophisticated Consumer Market in the world. The Upper Class / Ruling Class has failed miserably the rest of society,( the middle class, the working class, the elderly/ former workers, Veterans, and the unemployable s) by greedily hoarding all the financial benefits of its most productive and successful economic era (1992-2000) into the Upper Class regions of the society.
This President chosen from among the brightest stars of America, has been blessed with an acute understanding of the moral obligation of the establishment the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , to its people ( all its people) and those around it, near and far.
This country's Upper Class, and Big Business has for decades belittle that obligation, and sought to change the obligation, of the American promise, to be a divine, made in heaven, promise to reap ALL the profits and benefits to their themselves and class, while dribbling the crumbs to the rest of society. ( the trickle -down economy of President Ronald Reagan)
This is where the problem of America's demise reside and President Obama in first 35 days, as the Leader of America, is outlining a plan to change our circumstances. A country is as strong as its economy, and the American economy is sinking because of the deliberate mismanagement, by Upper Class representative, former Leader, President Bush, who facilitated legal robbery of America's wealth using many ways and means.
This new quality of leadership by Barack Obama , correctly sees America as a socially stratified country, of economic classes and NOT simply a mass of Republicans and Liberals/Democrats. This has afforded him the opportunity to make correct analyzes and make appropriate judgments to SAVE AMERICA and rebuild our prosperity.
Saturday, February 14, 2009

In social science class, we were taught that in the democratic process, the MINORITY MUST BE SUBORDINATE TO THE MAJORITY. This is the principle that President Obama has taken into consideration but is willing to give the minority in Congress , more respect than any MINORITY will be given in any other part of the world. Particularly after such a devastating eight years , as Americans experienced.
It maybe a bit premature on SOME OF US part to condemn the President's approach to bipartisanship, as waste of time, if the stimulus plan is even moderately successful . Can we imagine the Carnival Street Parade in those districts of e.g. Florida, where Senator Martinez represents and a republican makes him / or / her self available for that seat. The Republican Party will become the "IRRESPONSIBLE PARTY".
So I will wait and see how far they , the "irresponsible s", will go with their "NO" policy. They can easily be put in a position, with tact and strategy, to vote against policy that will affect their favorite constituents in the Mobile Parks. These folks are the oppressed and devastated people in the South. Who receive no attention until the representative wants to be re-elected.
So our President may still have some real cards to play in this political poker, of serving the American people without prejudice, and at the same time rendering the 'IRRESPONSIBLES" a little impotent bit by bit.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Who has led us down this path of long return and if and when we find out , would it be in our National , economic , political and security interests to ban the destructive and disastrous minority Upper class Republican Party from eternally managing our society again:
CHRIS WYSOCKI:Amilcar, its the new feudalism. The serfs pay dearly to be "protected" from the "bandits" by the "nobility", who often one and the same.
The feudal lords were invested with their nobleness by the hereditary "divine right of kings" which basically said that they were in charge because God had put them there. Since they stayed in power because they could pay their armies, basically it came down to money.
Its the golden rule, those with the gold, rule.
Democracy is a very fragile thing, that allows the kind of prosperity we saw in the post World War II era. It requires a delicate balance of power between the big business, the state, small business and the people.
If any one group gets too much power, it stops working.
AnotherChris | 02.12.09 - 11:53 am | #
CHRIS WYSOCKI: @AMILCAR - I'll say it once more, slower this time, so please try to follow along.
The money that I (or anyone else) earn is MY money. If I pay taxes to support the government, a "tax cut" is most certainly not giving me something that I did not earn. It is merely stopping the government from taking my money.
Do you understand that? The money does not belong to the government; it belongs to ME. I earned it. There is no government (Republican or otherwise) "spending" associated with a tax cut. There is merely a reduction in the amount of money confiscated by the government.
You have been misled by talk of the "cost" of a tax cut as if there is a money fairy who writes checks to laughing fat cats. No such luck. The "tax refund" is one of FDR's most insidious creations. Prior to his realignment of the tax code, people wrote one check a year for taxes on April 15th. You calculated how much you owed and you sent it in. FDR created the withholding tax system, ostensibly to make things "easier" for working people, but really to instill the belief that the taxes weren't your money. The "refund" came to be seen as government largess instead of what it really is -- a zero interest loan of our own money to the Feds which they so magnanimously are paying back.
And actually, under the "refund" system, there is a money fairy. It's the Democrats who created the "refundable tax credit". This is money which is paid out to someone who has NO tax liability. Yet they get a "refund" from the government. How? Because the government takes money from someone else (me?) and gives it to the person who paid no tax in the first place.
Refundable tax credits are an abomination against hard work and common sense. But they're immensely popular; they're the epitome of "free money".
I also want to address your quite distorted characterization of the American people. It's almost as if you were brought up on a steady diet of 1970s era Soviet propaganda. Were you? For a counter-view please pick up a copy of Tocqueville's Democracy in America. I had to read it in high school and found it to be quite enlightening. I'm told that it's been dropped from the curriculum in favor of some quasi-poetic drivel written by Maya Angelou. Pity. Tocqueville actually makes sense.
Chris Wysocki | Homepage | 02.12.09 - 2:48 pm | #
Do know you consider Maya Angelou written works drivel? Because it does'nt fit your Right Wing anti -people view of the American. You know what Racist America, was since 1864. We know that America has being identifying an American, only, as a blonde blue eye male or female.
It may scare you to know that the USA has been a multi -cultural, multi religious, multi racial country since the Pilgrims landed.
So I wont bother to exert any pressure on myself to read "Democracy in America" written , when racism and Right Wing definitions of who we are or were no longer accepted. It goes to show , how out of step you are with the flow of progress.
Chris..Ever since the Soviets made a mess of their one has tried to label an analysis as a "1970's era Soviet propaganda". Man you are a real old time anti progressive , cold war veteran. Are you anti- people, and anti black as well..You seem to enjoy the glory of that era.. the era of Nixon and Reagan .
Time is always changing things . We have cell phones and computers and info is open to everyone of all ages and backgrounds. So pal , there is no more Soviet propaganda -type analysis.
It is either correct or incorrect analysis. Please get with the program.
What are you talking about. Please read your opening sentence:....."The money that I (or anyone else) earn is MY money. If I pay taxes to support the government, a "tax cut" is most certainly not giving me something that I did not earn. It is merely stopping the government from taking my money."
Now I know why it is so hard to get thru to you. You do not understand politics or economics or the working of Govt.
"Tax cuts" represents a reduction in the tax you are obliged to pay. Or you will go to jail. When the Upper class cry and threaten to fly into tantrums if they dont get a "Tax cut" they are saying that are asking to pay less, as is prescribed by law.
The money that represents "TAX " is not legally YOURS. Just like it is NOT legal for another man to kill it is with all legal binding arrangements with the Government.
Don't follow the stupid, and misunderstand the role of Govt.
To the Right Wing who wanted WHO WANTED SLAVERY TO REMAIN INTACT, the Govt took a human rights stand to abolish the totally inhuman practice of using and abusing humans to make of charge with no rewards to the hard workers......
If you consider taxation to be confiscated money. Then when you are attacked, by bandits.I suggest you refuse to call 911 or do not use the lights on your streets.
When the militant extremist issue threats or attack our national security or international interests, we will ask you to retrieve your shotgun and go find them , because you consider taxes confiscated money.
It was Ronald Reagan who, in an effort to bamboozle the voters, and build support for Upper class hoarding of our wealth..that condemned the value of Government as a mechanism to take care of issues each person cannot take care himself. As I mentioned above.
So don't drift off topic. All people on this planet pay tax. If you want to read about the historical development of the process government formation...Do some research about humans as they moved from nomads to steady villages or combination of villages.
Man you sound like the Republicans in Congress..over and over the same babbling..I'm sorry to say that Chris, but we are facing an entirely different era.......Raise your level..thats the challenge...President Obama ask of us.
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.12.09 - 6:04 pm | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE: The final verdict comes down to who you are serving, whose interest are you dedicating your honor to you.
Since socially, the US is like all countries, not a homogeneous group people, but each one falls into social grades, social strata, and classes. We all have to submit to the outlook of the background, we are either born into , or chose one of our own free will.
If you are middle class, you aspire to be Upper class, you can either decide to assume the 'full
nelson ' on the views and thoughts and beliefs
of that class, never contesting just consuming , and arranging your thoughts and decision making towards that economic group you aspire you aspire to emulate.
There is nothing wrong with that choice,. But you must state honesrly who you are serving.
Never should you try to confuse others that you are dedicated towards the American people.
when in fact you are serving a small , nevertheless powerful, important, and influential sect of the society. Then we are discussing with all the cards on the deck.
I choose to serve the people, ( 92%) of the population, the backbone of the society, the productive forces, the motive force of any society, the consumers, the salt of our earth, the engine of any economy, if they stop the society stops group. The real creators of all wealth.. they do not own .
Some people choose to serve the minority 8-10% of the population. The owners of production, the Upper Class, the ones in the society most to benefit from segregation, oppression, denial of voting rights, denial of human rights, the hoarder of the country's wealth. The Owners of the Capitalist society. (Just like the Kings and Queens were the owners of the Feudalistic society) .
There lies the purpose of Ronald Reagan 's quote. "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so."
He is talking to all the people, in leadership positions , that "serve the people" . whose thoughts and actions are NOT directed towards consolidating the position of the Upper Class, the owners of production..who dream of establishing DIRECT POLITICAL DOMINATION WITHOUT ANY CONTEST, ask Dick Cheney.
It is like Pontius Pilot , the Roman emperor/governor, saying to Christ who is "serving the people" TOWARDS the Roman Upper class, you are NOT ignorant....."but you so much.. dont know, how much we love those people...(wink..wink...*****) your people....
So when you quote someone try to understand their reference , their class position, and who they are rabid Republicans Mitch Mc McConnell, Trent Lott, J ohn McCain and Rush Limbaugh as leaders are are serving Corporate Upper Class, and not America. Their first love is themseves and their class.
Middle class America survival and dream rests with seeing America prosper all all , everyone. They learn that from their experience on the manufacturing and community assembly line......
EACH ONE HAS TO ENSURE EACH ONE IS SAFE AND HAPPY.. because in order to get the job are depending on the person upline and the next person downline....if ONE FAILS all fail......
THAT'S SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE......Thats why the upper class representatives call what President Obama is advocating is socialism.....
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.11.09 - 12:06 pm | #
CHRIS WYSOCKI @AMILCAR - surely you can't really believe that one's lot in life is dictated by social class status in the 2009 USA? Come on now, that's pure doctrinal Marxism and is so very 19th century. If you'd mentioned the dialectic I'd say you were having me on...
If you look at the richest people and biggest corporations of today and compare them to the same statistics from 1950 you'll be hard pressed to see much overlap between the two. Lots of new wealth and new endeavors have been created since then. All of that didn't come from the "upper class". It came about via hard work and an entrepreneurial spirit.
The whole "class struggle" meme you keep rehashing is yesterday's philosophical nonsense; it's been repudiated time and again by events. I've got news for you, 90% of America's workers are not mindless drones occupying slots on assembly lines. We haven't had anything close to that kind of workforce in over 100 years.
To over-generalize, we are a service and information oriented economy. Manufacturing and manual labor are not, and never will again, be a big component of American society.
As for "establishing direct political domination without any contest" and "ask Dick Cheney" all I can say is "huh?". Didn't Bush/Cheney voluntarily relinquish their offices as per the Constitution? If they were going to rig an election; last year's would have been a pretty good election to rig, no?
For all your pontificating you still haven't articulated a compelling reason why the country should pour first $700 Billion, and soon $800 Billion, and maybe another $2 Trillion dollars down a rathole. Obama is spending money like a drunken sailor and the key economic indicators are not looking good. Wall Street is in free fall. Unemployment is going up. Retail sales, wholesale orders, and even oil are all down. That money has to come from somewhere, right? Where? I don't have a clue. I don't think Obama has a clue either.
Chris Wysocki | Homepage | 02.11.09 - 3:18 pm | #
One more point you keep talking , in desperation, about "fiscal conservative" as if its a tropical drink you experienced in the Caribbean. But in real life you have never experienced it as a Republican Party policy.
In real life Republicans are stingy with the taxpayers money when it comes servicing the people needs. They are big spenders when it is time to hoarding the finances for themselves, through tax cuts and tax incentives for super rich companies, who very rarely provide jobs to compensate for the largess "fiscal conservatives" get from their Party while in the White House Administrations. The so - called protector of the treasury, will not spend on services that will improve the lives of the lower classes below the Super Rich. In this year, the year of the "stimulus package" .
We see that the Republican Representatives willing to support the "money transfusion " into the economy are unwilling to support education and rebuilding the dilapidated schools and educational institutions throughout the country.
So when you talk about Conservatives not wanting to spend money , taxpayers money, you maybe are talking about intellectual armchair talking heads, who most likely are walking in the fields with a walking staff in hand as Moses, dressed in a sandals preaching to the wind.
The truth is Right Wing Conservatives Republicans see the people in the lower classes, the same way Corporate executives see their workers. It takes the Unions, unity of the workers, to come in and get some dribble down to compensate for their hard work.
Just as the Kings and Queens saw their people as slaves, peasants, scum, unclean to be in the same room as them... Similarly Right Wing Republicans Conservatives see the rest of society. Even the dwellers in Trailer Parks, who live in the most deplorable conditions, all over the new and old South , that supportRight Wingers wholeheartedly are NEVER given any tangible evident improvements in their lives.
They pay tax but get NO medical insurance , most actually live in squalor, in poor health and are always ENCOURAGED to be angry at African Americans who are always striving to ensure they are not left further behind.
So their is no "fiscal conservative" who is not in reality a cruel "slave driver" who wants the most productivity from his "minnions" but provides very little reward for their living and working conditions.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
CARRIGE LANGUE : I think we have an opportunity to retool the American economy and make it better than our forefathers imagined. The majority of Americans of the middle class, of the working class and immigrants are willing to roll up their sleeves and go for it.
But road block to such an outstanding effort is the Upper class. That minority less than 10 per cent of the population, who think they are the Kings and Queens of America. They will continue to frustrate growth in our country unless they can navigate and dictate , who can eat and how they should sleep. ( Blaming it on a fictitious market forces, the imaginable invisible hand of the greedy capitalist).
I suggested to President Obama's transition that they will have to find a way to reduce the cost of production and subsequently the cost of Upper class income, the cost of prices, while at the same time increasing production and the availability of goods and services.
Again , such an ambitious progressive , "thinking of tomorrow " plan, will cause such and yelping and whining as we heard for the whole week from Republican Senators, whose greatest fear in this period, is irrelevance.
When the Feudal system failed the new class of bourgeoisie, they yelped and whined because they saw the writing on the wall..their irrelevance.
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.07.09 - 8:59 pm | #
CHRIS WYSOCKI: So what, we should all wallow in misery because it means we're all "equal"? Good grief.
If you dug up Thomas Jefferson and told him that his successor in the White House would seek to limit or confiscate the wealth of the citizenry he'd think you had gone insane.
Chris Wysocki | Homepage | 02.08.09 - 12:12 pm | #
But you will be lying again and to the famous Thomas. It will be OK to say that if you have NO evidence of that besides your imagination... |
CHRIS WYSOCKI The Real World. It's big enough for all of us. And, it's got plenty of opportunity for you to succeed, without government intervention, if you work hard.
Chris Wysocki | Homepage | 02.08.09 - 8:34 pm | #
AMILCAR, the Republican Party put forth acts of legislation to Congress in the late 1860's to early 1870's that are virtually identical to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964. These were all shot down by members of the Democratic Party.
From the 1870's to the middle of the 20th Century, the Democratic Party ran on the platform of white supremacy. President Wilson SEGREGATED the federal government during his two terms. He also made sure that no black man would get a federal job if he could find a white man to do it.
The first three black US Senators were members of the Republican Party. The next three were Democrats, one of them was appointed to complete the remainder President Obama's Senate term. The Republican ones were elected in the late 1800's and during the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the US.
Every African American in the House of Representatives during Reconstruction were Republicans.
The KKK was even formed to be a terrorist group against REPUBLICANS. President Grant used the military to protect black Republicans in the South from these attacks. He even successfully ended the KKK until it was reborn in 1915 with The Birth of a Nation that had it's film premier in Wilson's White House.
And one fun fact, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a member of the Republican Party during his adult life. If you don't believe me, look it up, just not on Wikipedia because they won't mention it.
Chris M | 02.08.09 - 9:25 pm | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE: Just on your first sentence.
When the president pulled out the forces that were protecting Africans Americans from the Fascists Big Landowners, 1864, that left them exposed to the terrorists attacks from the KKK.
Do you know how far ahead the USA would have been if racism and segregation did not stunt this country's growth.
As you know Southern white workers are encouraged to hold Africans Americans responsible for the defeat of the traitorous Confederate Army. They wanted to maintain slavery up to this day. They wont mind praying to Hilter to continue cooking the Jews.
Just tonight I saw a typical a hangover from KKK rabid days.
White guy, supporter of the Republican Party...poor a beat up Ford truck 1989..dressed in camouflage with cap to match..with a ...pregnant girlfriend / wife...but has been held back by the regressive politics of the Republican.......This buddy, still carry a HATE FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS....144 YEARS AFTER President Abe Lincoln, SAID THAT HURTING ANOTHER HUMAN , BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT YOUR COMPLEXION... was inhuman, the Republican Party still uses it as a buzz word call to their Base to support or attack .... they normally respond with violence..even if the measures are against there interest..e.g. Joe D' Plumber...
So dont try to rewrite the history of southern whites racism and the politics that supported that and terrorized so many people. THAT TITLE GOES TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.
This is part ONE of my response.
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.08.09 - 10:16 pm
CARRIAGE LANGUE: "The Republican party was founded as an ANTI-SLAVERY party. Abraham Lincoln, who Obama cites as one of his heroes, was a Republican."
You are losing your cool , calling an idiot. You are losing respect. Its to be expected.
We all know that what happened in the course of time with Democrats and the coup that caused the Republican Party of Lincoln to change its quality of leadership, from "Progressive" to Regressive as the Democrats were at the time of Lincoln.
The Republican Conservative Party we are referring to is the of JIM CROW and the Southern Party of the Big Land Owners...that Ronald Reagan , Richard Nixon, Dick Cheney, and all the losers of American Politics belong to. But I am idiot..ok Bro.....I take that as a compliment..coming from the Regressive movement.
.This is another installment in responding to a supporter of Sarah , John and misguided Joe...
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.08.09 - 10:30 pm | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE :"I'm afraid poor AMILCAR is a product of our woefully inadequate public school system. The one where they teach victimology instead of history. The one where only Capitalists are evil and every minority is full of saints who couldn't get ahead because they were repressed, and not because they sat on their butts."
Thats coolaid talking......Thats bullnonsense education you received, to justify oppression, segregation, and the existence of racism. White and ruling class oppression did not stop the African American becoming the best they could be.
The history you read was tainted to allow you to accept racial oppression as a consequence of the victims "sitting on their butt"
Thats like Dick Cheney saying he broke the international law because the terrorist were bad guys........
You must read of the (white) teachers that tell and abuse their white students, when a black student overachieves in their class. Coolaid drinkers consuming the bullnonsense of the Republican conservatives.afterthought
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.08.09 - 10:50 pm | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE: "And what's this about making America's economy "better"? How can you make better an economy that's powered by 5% of the world's population yet produces 25% of the world's wealth?"
Is this a question you put to your economics professor..Or did you get the idea of the question from drug addict Rush Limbaugh.
Given the long history of the Republican Lincoln Party..I too may have been encouraged to join that long ago. But thats not how the Republicans represents themselves today.
Its the Party of fascists, anti working class and a hide out for racists and the shameless members of the regressive elements in Congress. Its a common place for anti Americans to be pretending to love our country. All the anti American greedy business executives....... claim this party as their own...the anti people religious Right claims the Republican Party as their haven.
The creative workers of our industries and makers of the best products to come out of any country.....are victims of the harsh political policies of the Republican Party.
Almost 85% of the working class and new international workers called aliens and immigrants..condemn the Republican, by voting for President Barack Obama, as the Party of the "greedy, rich, and decadent business executives"..
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.08.09 - 11:41 pm | #

CARRIAGE LANGUE: "More Americans have learned the story of the South during the years of the Civil War and Reconstruction from Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone With the Wind' than from all of the learned volumes of this period." - Warren Beck and Myles Clowers (1975)
Beck and Clowers stated that in their Understanding American History Through Fiction (1975).
First off, stop using the term "Fascist" improperly. Fascism is the right wing of socialism, just as communism is the left wing of socialism. You can learn that in any Political Science course in an institution of higher eduction. Or you can just look at both Hitler's and Stalin's policies side by side and see all the similarities except for their implementation methods.
I even recommend that you read Mein Kampf and read for yourself all the praises that Hitler had for the US with our policies being enacted through 1900 - 1920.
Second, please learn your history as to what party enacted the Jim Crow laws. A simple Wikipedia search could do that for you.
"The white, Democratic Party Redeemer government that followed the troop withdrawal legislated Jim Crow laws segregating black people from the state's white population." - Wikipedia's page on Jim Crow laws.
Now, onto your claim that conservatives are re-writing history. How can those who want history taught the way it ACTUALLY happened be accused of re-writing it? History is constantly being re-written so the past seems more "perfect" for the present circumstances.
If you want to talk about racism in America, why not look at the fact that 95 - 98% of one race voted for their own racial Presidential candidate this past election. What about that racism?
So if the Republican Party is the "Party of fascists", why is it that they support the workers rights to a secret ballot when determining whether they want to unionize or not? (By opposing The Employee Free Choice Act)
Why does the "Party of fascists" want to let the doctors determine whether to preform an abortion or not based on their own personal moral grounds? (By opposing the Freedom of Choice Act)
Why is it that when the "Progressive" Party is looking for ways to cut the budget, the first place they go is scientific research? (The $780B TARP 2.0 Bill)
Why is it that the vast majority of the upper 10% of the economic ladder in the US support the "Progressive" Party, but the "Party of fascists" get attacked by saying this is the "Party of the rich and greedy"? (According to the FEC)
CHRIS WYSOCKI : .@ AMILCAR - as with all generalizations, your skewering of the Republicans may contain a grain of truth but it is then distorted to suit your agenda.
We can point out examples of extremism on both sides of the aisle. For example, which party has as their senior Senator a former Grand Wizard of the KKK? Which president hung out with an unrepentant domestic terrorist? See? It proves nothing to generalize.
Chris M's comment about how many Americans learn history is sadly spot on. Our public schools spend far too much time seeking to achieve "balance" and bending over backward to appease perpetually aggrieved activists to actually teach the facts as they really were. All teaching of history is slanted to emphasize a particular point of view. Already in first grade my daughter knows more about Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks than George Washington. She hasn't heard the names Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton at all. In her Social Studies book I spotted a chapter on "prominent Americans". There were pictures of 5 people - Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, and Cesar Chavez. Sure they're all "prominent" (for varying definitions of "prominent") but they're also a perfect mix of politically correct role models designed to ensure every kid feels "included". I guess they're saving Margaret Sanger for next year.
As for bantering about "fascists", you should read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. It's fascinating.
Chris Wysocki | Homepage | 02.09.09 - 9:27 am | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE : Fascism is the extremism of capitalism.
Its the deterioration of rule by corporations. That is where the economic sector gets all the benefits of society, and is dictated by the force of the military.
The best fascist ideologue of in todays politics, will be Dick Cheney. He would have been the best right hand of Adolph Hitler .
Spain's General Franco was not a socialist..But fascist born of out his desire to implement Feudalistic control and industrialist control of the political services.
Mussolini of Italy was cut in the same cloth..was a fascist because they believe like General Robert Lee that the people are nothing but fodder ..slaves to satisfy the demands of the wealthy.
So socialism has been sold to you with poison..You are not aware of the social implications of mis-information , the mis information that Rush gushes out to people like yourself.
I am so sorry that as an Americans we are given manufactured education and information designed to to make forever followers and blind backers of oppression and exploitation . We think that it is happening to someone else, because they are black, or are immigrants, or are liberals or are anti, their definition of democracy .
You remember Dick Cheney and George Bush wanted to reduce the tenets of the Constitution that would reduce our freedoms and give CORPORATIONS greater access to our politics.
So you are in a ideological and political mess and you don't know it.
You think that the Upper class are friends of the USA.?.That's only if they can capture all Americas wealth for themselves exclusively.
Listen, after they were found to be hoading all the wealth, thru schemes like Madof's, big thievery. After President Bush gave them massive amounts TAX CUTS over the last 4 years, and they did nothing with that windfall...
They are hounding President Obama for more opportunities (TAX CUTS) to hoard more of our wealth to their Penthouse. This obviously will drain the economy, of its life blood (money) and Obama will not succeed and of course America the Super Power, and its National Security will be compromised.
Because our old enemies will see our vulnerability and seek to attack us.
They may show you love but as a slave driver, someone to do their dirty work for them,
not as an equal.
So all the books and literature you are reading only reinforces their control over what you should as they want you to know , that provides their first line of protection , to their control of our wealth.
Man, you have a lot to learn..My advice to you..... STEP AWAY FROM THE RADIO......STEP WAY FROM D' RUSH....LIMBAUGH...
Read my blog often so will get some fresh air in your congested mind.
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.09.09 - 11:26 am | #
CHRIS WYSOCKI: AMILCAR, even the good old fashion dictionary disagrees with you on your definition of fascism. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines fascism as:
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
So tell me, how is it that the US political party that wishes to lower economic and social regulation can be called fascist when the US political party that does increase economic and social regimentation is called progressive?
And where did you learn your history on Franco or Mussolini?
And for your information, when my Catholic family emigrated from Ireland to the US, it was during the height of anti-Irish and anti-Catholic sentiment over here, but through hard work and perseverance, they have become a fairly well off middle class family. We have even kept those famous "Irish Need Not Apply" or "Irish Not Allowed" signs to remind us where we came from. The only "acceptable" form of "racism" today in the US is anti-Catholicism and you can trust me when I tell you that it is very obvious.
And I have never once in my life listened to Rush Limbaugh. Now if he came to my area to give a talk, I would attend, just as I did when President Clinton, Senator (Now SecState) Clinton, their daughter, President Obama and all the other Democratic supporters gave speeches in my area. For Obama, I stood in line 10 hours to get a descent spot (five rows of people from the closest fence). I try to get a well-rounded source of information before I make a commitment and they just did not sell me on the issues that were important to me this election.
Onto your blog, I don't ever plan on returning there. To be as PC as possible, it wasn't my cup of tea.
Chris M | 02.09.09 - 2:48 pm | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE: All the definitions I gave were fleshy historical experiences that the world's peoples' saw felt and went to war to eradicate.
I quote the following from your comments to tell you that this definition compliments my statement on fascism.. It clearly describes Dick Cheney philosophy, the Neocons and the attitude of the leadership of the Republican Party.
Under the disguise of anti terror..the Republicans tried to brandish all who opposed the plans as "unpatriotic" and tried to pass an oppressive legislation..... pacts of fascism..
"That exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.10.09 - 12:27 am | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE: My family is also from ireland...but they were white and though they had some conflicts to overcome..and they did.
But the African American side..could not hide in a crowd and were singled out in the South..and hedged in the North..
Every one is taught about the history that brought on WW11..Fascism was on the door steps of ruining this planet.
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.10.09 - 12:49 am | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE :What you mean your cup of tea. my blog is a political outlet ..You are afraid of progressive analysis.
You are a conservative.. The idea that the rich and well spoken should have all the access is a feudalistic thought. It places people into levels based either on race..religion..or class and dictates they be treated less than humans to allow the upper class to be seen as mightier than those with little income or differing backgrounds......
It is such a bad brings war a means to correct the created imbalance.
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.10.09 - 12:58 am | #
CHRIS WYSOCKI: @AMILCAR - you have a rather distorted view of Conservatism. You're stuck in the 1950's railing against the Birchers. We're not like that.
Ronald Reagan preached and lived equal opportunity for all people of good will. It is important that you realize this. The Conservative movement wants to allow people to live their lives unfettered by government intervention. We want free people to be unafraid of their enemies. We quaintly believe that the fruits of our labors belong to us and not to the government. We want everyone to be able to enjoy the American dream.
If I were to sum it up in one axiom I'd say something like "get off your ass and work hard and the government won't stop you from being happy".
Some specific examples. We look at failing schools and don't automatically conclude that more of the same tired old policies will somehow change the results. We'd rather see school choice (yes, vouchers) to allow every child to get a decent education. If the DC public schools are so great, why are Barry's kids not attending them? Because the DC schools suck. More money won't make them better. He knows it, but he won't go against the teachers unions.
One of the most successful conservative social programs was "welfare to work". Republicans worked with Bill Clinton to break the cycle of poverty and dependence. People got off of welfare and into real jobs. Now the Democrats are turning back the clock with their stimulus bill; it contains a provision rewarding the states which expand their welfare rolls. Shouldn't we encourage people to get off of the government dole?
Progressives naively believe that we're just one more verse of Kumbaya away from World Peace. Sorry, no sale. There are people out there who hate us at a visceral level. Sure we want to change that in the long run, but in the short term a strong national defense in paramount. Dick Cheney is not evil. The people he protected us against are evil. If you can't see that then you are not looking hard enough.
The Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu said, "If you want peace, prepare for war." Yup. Nobody wants war (not even the dreaded "neocons"). But sometimes war finds us. In that case we would do well to heed the wisdom of General Patton -- "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." That is, when war finds us, we must win.
Finally, since I'm on a quote kick, and you say your blog is a bastion of "progressive analysis". Ronald Reagan said about that -- "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so."
Chris Wysocki | Homepage | 02.10.09 - 9:21 am | #
CHRIS WYSOCKI :I find it a little bit ironic when Republicans, who have for so long, poured SO many billions of dollars down into one black hole after another, pretend they are fiscally conservative.
Good luck!!!
AnotherChris | 02.10.09 - 8:00 pm | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE : John Boehner, John Thune, Jon Kyle (what is it with guys named John?) have always been fiscally conservative. They're the new blood the Republican leadership needs. Mitch McConnell is as out of touch as Trent Lott was. John McCain (OK, there's a John we don't want) is also on the losing side of this battle.
The Republican party needs to return to their fiscally conservative roots. Until they do they're just another arm of the socialist juggernaut.
Chris Wysocki | Homepage | 02.10.09 - 8:53 pm | #
CARRIAGE LANGUE :The final verdict comes down to who you are serving, whose interest are you dedicating your honor to you.
Since socially, the US is like all countries, not a homogeneous group people, but each one falls into social grades, social strata, and classes. We all have to submit to the outlook of the background, we are either born into , or chose one of our own free will.
If you are middle class, you aspire to be Upper class, you can either decide to assume the 'full
nelson ' on the views and thoughts and beliefs
of that class, never contesting just consuming , and arranging your thoughts and decision making towards that economic group you aspire you aspire to emulate.
There is nothing wrong with that choice,. But you must state honesrly who you are serving.
Never should you try to confuse others that you are dedicated towards the American people.
when in fact you are serving a small , nevertheless powerful, important, and influential sect of the society. Then we are discussing with all the cards on the deck.
I choose to serve the people, ( 92%) of the population, the backbone of the society, the productive forces, the motive force of any society, the consumers, the salt of our earth, the engine of any economy, if they stop the society stops group. The real creators of all wealth.. they do not own .
Some people choose to serve the minority 8-10% of the population. The owners of production, the Upper Class, the ones in the society most to benefit from segregation, oppression, denial of voting rights, denial of human rights, the hoarder of the country's wealth. The Owners of the Capitalist society. (Just like the Kings and Queens were the owners of the Feudalistic society) .
There lies the purpose of Ronald Reagan 's quote. "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so."
He is talking to all the people, in leadership positions , that "serve the people" . whose thoughts and actions are NOT directed towards consolidating the position of the Upper Class, the owners of production..who dream of establishing DIRECT POLITICAL DOMINATION WITHOUT ANY CONTEST, ask Dick Cheney.
It is like Pontius Pilot , the Roman emperor/governor, saying to Christ who is "serving the people" TOWARDS the Roman Upper class, you are NOT ignorant....."but you so much.. dont know, how much we love those people...(wink..wink...*****) your people....
So when you quote someone try to understand their reference , their class position, and who they are rabid Republicans Mitch Mc McConnell, Trent Lott, J ohn McCain and Rush Limbaugh as leaders are are serving Corporate Upper Class, and not America. Their first love is themseves and their class.
Middle class America survival and dream rests with seeing America prosper all all , everyone. They learn that from their experience on the manufacturing and community assembly line......
EACH ONE HAS TO ENSURE EACH ONE IS SAFE AND HAPPY.. because in order to get the job are depending on the person upline and the next person downline....if ONE FAILS all fail......
THAT'S SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE......Thats why the upper class representatives call what President Obama is advocating is socialism.....
AMILCAR | Homepage | 02.11.09 - 12:06 pm | #
Saturday, February 07, 2009
But a road block, to such an outstanding effort is and will be the Upper class. That minority, less than 10 per cent of the population, who think they are the Kings and Queens of America. They who continue to frustrate growth in our country, by siphoning, up the wealth to their loft, using it to build, extravagant yachts, gold plate bathroom taps, and all other decadent "waste full spending".
The remaining balance they wish to trickle down, to serve the country and its hard working decent people. We always knew that they will fight tooth and nail to keep this same economic system, even if they bled it to death. When they could NOT even finance THE TRICKLE DOWN they came and begged for the same people, they are stealing from, and their representatives, in Congress, to loan them some BILLIONS , so they could continue their greedy exploitation of America's financial wealth.
Now that the New President Obama is proposing to loan, the people, their own wealth to finance a new direction for the American economy, all over the world, workers are hearing them whining and crying wolf, they want 50% of this , stimulus package in tax breaks for themselves, again. They are also crying and pleading to be given control again of the American economy so they can navigate and dictate , who can eat and how they should sleep. ( Blaming it on a fictitious market forces, the imaginable invisible hand of the greedy capitalist).
I suggested to President Obama's transition that they will have to find a way to reduce the cost of production and subsequently the cost of Upper class income, the cost of prices, while at the same time increasing production and the availability of goods and services.
Again , such an ambitious progressive , "thinking of tomorrow " plan, will cause much bellowing , yelping and whining as we heard for the past week, from Republican Senators, whose greatest fear in this period, is their irrelevance.
When the Feudal system failed the new progressive class of bourgeoisie, particularly in Europe,who sought a new economic system and a new method of production, a new accumulation of wealth and its new redistribution of the wealth created. The owners of the feudal system, the real Kings and Queens, the owners of ALL the wealth created by their people, yelped and whined because they saw the writing on the wall..their irrelevance to the society was becoming evident.
So it is with the JOHN MC CAIN'S , LINDSAY GRAHAM'S , the nonsensicals such as SARAH PALIN's and JOE D' PLUMBER. The wind of change is blowing in their faces but they prefer to play the role of the historical DON QUIXOTE . Standing in the way of progress only leaves you trampled under the feet of the progressives on their way to a new beginning. Going back is not an option !!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Americans unlike other developed countries workers and general population have been denied the tools of analysis that will assist them to correctly evaluate a situation, so they depend on a few bench marks to guide themselves.
One of the indicators, the American people used to determine. to who to trust, who to believe and subsequently support their point of view, most people follow the political party of their choice. Almost all Americans have been deceived by this indicator, of trust, almost everyday and definitely every four years. How can that be , in a highly educated empire , and modern super power, as the USA ?
We Americans have never been told that this is a class society. With an Upper class, that is as selfish is the King's Family of 1776. The present conservative Republican party and its policies of every kind represent the ideals and goals of that monarchy today.
We are not told that people defend their class interest in their opinions and outlooks. We listen to talk show hosts and opinion leaders but do not understand which class they represent. Many talk show hosts are simple middle class folks who take positions outside their class, supporting the employers view where they work, so they can get paid.
Commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly are opportunist who fashion their view to a specific audience , that are not famous for reading and researching themselves, but rely on them, as supporters of racism and Republican hate values of minorities and African Americans.
When you hear a comments from these protaganists of American backwardness, you know its intended to justify a class view, as imported and phony as it is, to these men and growing number of backwarding thinking hate values, female, talk show hosts.
When you listen to politicians bumping their gums, criticizing the "stimulus package" their arguments are in contradiction to the situation before us. They use the same arguments of Ronald Reagan, the devil of American progressive economics. Totally blind to the circumstances and the all out efforts required to SAVE AMERICA.
So when next you hear some one talk examine their wisdom, their knowledge background and their class affliation to determine if you can trust wholeheartedly their view, or if you have to take their position 'with a grain of salt'.