Carriage Langue is like TAXI TALK, where new friends are established every day. They discuss topics of daily interests, such as Politics, Sports, peoples business, personal health, and life's up and downs.CARRIAGE LANGUE is, WE, the people talking during our travels on the speedy train of life.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The Commander -in- Chief is at the podium , please be still.... CNN replayed our President's speeches, from THEN to NOW, where he asked us to believe his analysis of a pending crisis if we don't ATTACK, the iraqi people and save AMERICA AND THE WORLD.
We , together with every human on earth, have found out that the analysis was deceptive, based on crooked maths, preconceived ideas, and a decision to fit predetermined militarist plans to take advantage of the national tradegy, following 9/11 . This is supported by leaked classified documents from the only international supporter the ATTACK (war) was able to muster (win over), Tony Blair's Government.
Every country , every nook and cranny on this Planet , knows the true story but our President stands in the midst of our Proud Military Personnel, and behaves as if our democracy does not allow freedom of information. We get it sir , we are jiggy with your thought processes.
Sir, may I suggest you change your story., stop attacking members of congress , you unfortunately, are beginning to sound like DON QUIXOTE, preaching to the the Angels.
Mr. President , Sir, you have to, give it up ,you are embarrassing us, International military scholars are already ranking this war , this mistake , this American iladvised military adventure , as the MOST FOOLISH WAR IN OVER 2000 YEARS, this could be the footnote of your life's story.
This sir, is a reputation our GREAT AMERICAN MILITARY history will NOT be proud to claim.
Mr . Bush, the dream (of Vice President Dick Cheney and the other ultra militarists) to have the MILITARY BUSY , by exercising the military might of our armed forces, ( the only remaing super power) in areas with the least resistance, (the Middle East) and with the potential for American and international population indifference or outright support has backfired and is now horribly turning into a nightmare.
At this moment in our history, we may have to find other means by which to keep the military industrial complex's wheels turning, without damaging our military reputation and undermining our confidence to take on tasks that does not allow us to use Nuclear weapons, to win.
My grandmother used to say , when she could not place her finger on the truth of the matter facing her, "there is something more in the mortar, than the pistle".
After listening to the President today, there is for sure something, he is not telling us about why he won't bringing thinking to correspond with the majority of the American population and the rest of the world about the WAR in IRAQ .
The situation in Iraq cannot be honorably and successfully resolved , nor the scourge of terrorism undermined and/or defeated ,with the international community sitting on the side and giggling at our blunders.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
The thoughts and ideas that has guided the George Bush Administration,were formulated in the mid-ninties. The main intention was to make the USA and the Middle and Lower classes , subjects of the American Ruling Upper class. Very similar to a Feudal society where the King , his Family and his Court made the rest of the people follow their minority dictates, obey their constitution and paid them taxes to enhance their wealth whilst reducing social benefits.
The planners of this new Republican social aggression, saw International Land grabbing as a main facet of that plan. At home the rewriting or redefining of the Great American Constution was a major pillar in neutralising the progressive and democratic peoples and their organisation. The actions necessary, to carry out such a devious plan have had to be EVIL and defenitely at convenient times, unlawful .
The events of the last few months has exposed to those Americans that closed their ears and buried their heads in the laps of O' Reilly and Limbaugh to the true nature of the evil Beasts that resides in Washington.
Like a surreal movie, the rap sheet of evil began to unfold for the world to see. It began with the exposure of the misinformation and lies told by President Bush in his mischievous attempt to start the international grabbing plan by attacking Iraq. Iraq being the lest credible country that had international support because of the aggression of Saddam Hussein.
I suspect that other countries that would have been on the list , such as Cuba, Syria , Iran, and Libya. North Korea though mentioned was a bluff, but never seriously considered.
Since the exposure of the blatant lies by the President to the world, we have seen a parade of criminals and potential lawbreakers being brought up from the White House dungeon. The Vice President, Tom Delay, Karl Kove,Libby, etc, etc, even their planted journalists contacts were brought out like cockroaches, as the crimes of corruption and manipulation were uncovered in the white house.
The battle to affect change and redefine articles of the Great American Constitution ,. is led by the Anti - Christ religious Right wing. who are supporters of segregation , discrimination and general Slave Master treatment of human beings. Amidst this class struggle to keep America free from the overwhelming dictates, of the minority upper class, ROSA PARKS dies. Just as in life she influenced the destruction of the klu klux klan, Jim Crowism, segregation and State discrimnation. In death she has brought the cruelty of the Upper Class into focus.
Since the proclamation of the US CONSTITUTION there have been a few occasions that has allowed us to implement the articles of the constitution, in the spirit that it was written. One such occassion was the civil war, that was led to victory by President Abraham Lincoln. That victory not only defeated the early religious Right Wing Anti Christ Christians - and enemies of the US CONSTITUTION, but it enhanced the reputation ,credibilityand dignity of the document.The other time that the constitution shown as beacon of divine light for America was when ROSA PARKS refusal to be unseated,which was in fact, a symbolical swipe with her sword of justice , freedom and opportunity ,bringing articles of the constitution to life.
Today the defeat of the Anti- christ Christians and the pro feudalistic neo conservatives cannot be done by the Democratic Party alone.
The Movements for the Maintenance of Progress and Democracy in the USA, should be brought together to intiate a cultural non violent revolution.It 's purpose, to purge our society of the throngs of backwardsness and the infestation of corruption within the halls of the peoples ' Administrations throughout ALL the states. We should mobilise the students, office workers, industrial workers, construction workers, MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS , office managers, (middle class and workers) in fact everybody that will benefit from a free and just USA. This movement should call for one adjustment to the US CONSTITUTION: That Political Corruption and manipulation of information to the American people should receive extremely severe punishment.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Fox news is like a Nazi Television Channel, nearly all their information and news is slated as propaganda mischievously meant to corrupt the listener. I was forced to watch and listento a Fox commentator and their Anchor present the news, that White House Officials may be indicted today, including the Vice President, on charges stemming from abuse of power and basic corruption in the White House.
This commentator, shamelessly stated that his America, is not interested in white house officials breaking the laws, but bread and butter issues. Then you listen to the female Anchor position the questions to the progressive/democrat guest commentator as if to suggest that crimes committed by the ruling class is not that important.
I am convinced that there is a Republican Party fund that pays their supporters for making favorable comments in the popular news media. There is no other explanation for positions taken by people on the side of conservative republicans.
Republicans in the USA can be located at three levels. The first level are made up of ideologues who believe in minority upper class rule , a semi feudal society, where the Rich wield the same power as a slave master, on the rest of society . This includes middle class, lower working class , black and white, brown or otherwise. The second level are made up of racists who believe that the ruling class prefer white supremacy as a ruling and political policy. This they believe will give them superiority status on all non white citizens. The third level are made up of careerists who are trying to link up with the money people, to get some dreggs thrown their way. They are the Oreilly's and Limbaugh's who have no principles, but like empty vessels make the most noise and expect to be paid for it.
Under these circumstances love for America is conditional on the amount of power these evil devils possess at the time. They will steal , lie , sell out our Secret Agents, wage war on indefensible countries, even clean out the national treasury, leave the elderly and poor without sustenance while they waddle in obscene wealth.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Once while in the Caribbean, I boarded a Taxi, that took on four other passengers. while we were a bit cramped, no one was complaining. The driver ignited the ignition once but nothing happened. So we, all five of us , collectively thought no problem, it is going to fire upat the next key twist. But nothing happened but the ringing of the engine , waiting for a surge of energy to start the engine.
This went on five or six times, nothing happened. The driver made no attempt to get out and check under the hood. He remained trying , mumbling something under his breathe. For a brief moment there was a tense silence as if we were waiting for a cue to bail out of the taxi. Suddenly the passenger occupying the right back seat opened the door in disgust and alighted the vehicleslamming the door mumbling something , quite inaudile.
At that point , I am sure the others passengers thought , maybe they should do the same , but no one moved. This lull , provided the Driver with the opportunity to twist the key in the ignition another time .This time there was the varoom of an excited car engine. The driver swung out from his queue and we were off. The driver anticipating the question on his passengers mind , as to why did'nt the car start before or why did it start after the passenger immediately left the car . Before anyone uttered a word , he said, "some people are just blight, yes , things just go wrong when they are around". In other words , the driver believed the passenger that got out , was jinx, who attracted bad omens.
This approach is definitely unscientific, and does not belong in any problem solving manual. But religion has used it for centuries with much success, so I suspect it has its credibility in tack. In the Lil' Abner comic strip, there was a character called Joe Bliztl ( something to that effect), who walked around with a dark cloud , flashing lightining bolts, hanging over him where ever he went.
I am suggesting that President Bush qualifies as our "Joe Bliztl". Ever since the Republicans assisted Bush to steal the election from Al Gore, misfortune has followed bad Luck in America continously. Today taking aim at Florida, the very scene of the crime in 2000,where the mandinga, the voodoo , the obeah,the misappropiation of the election, took place, A bad Hurricane woman called Wilma ,with furious anger , wants to attack and hurt us, here in Florida again. I guess the message we we should get is; crime does not pay, or do not support the multitude to do evil.
Today we saw Saddam on trial by a USA sponsored Iraqi officials ,no doubt as if on cue incompetence was evident all day. The Iraqi people should not have at a moment like this time in their history, have to be distracted by placing in Iraq, Saddam Hussein on Trial.
This in the circumstances should be handled by the International Court. Why isn't the United Nations overseeing adjudication of Saddam's crimes against humanity. Oh, Oh, I forgot the United States do not deal with the United Nations , or in fact the White House is now where international matters are decided.What did Saddam Hussein do ?, a customer asked , while watching the charade on CNN.
My response was that he cussed out George Bush's Father so we invaded Iraq. His response was , yeah? it's the same reason why they want to kill Fidel Castro. My explanation for our President invading Iraq is more believable that the one he gave to the US congress and the world. Everyday there is another example of what a political mess we have put ourselves in , by having these crazy republicans in political leadership.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
The Great American middle class built and created the liberties and freedoms that established a true Democratic capitalist civilisation called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This was done from the ashes, following the defeat of the feudal society of King Charles and its cronistic way of distributing wealth and opportunity in America.
The American middle class set about formulating a US constitution that guided all its principles in the process of building the best middle class and the most successful country in the world. With zeal and historical responsibilty, the American middle class defeated the enemies of democracy, during the civil war and the many times the conservative republicans who tried to turn back the hands of time and return feudal type antidemocratic politics to America.
Throughout our history the Great American middle class , fought along side minorities and other social groups, such as Women , for equal rights , African Americans for civil rights, pregnant women for the right to not to continue their pregnancy. They maintained a just struggle to end the Vietnam war.Internationally , the American middle class was revered by all emerging middle classes in the developing and developed countries. Even when a USA president took an aggressive position to towards people in the third world, or other countries , they never lost their appeal. A great example of the unprecedented admiration they won for for themselves, was their firm stance against oppression. Apartheid in South Africa found very little support amongst middle class America , subsequently sanctions and the anti apartheid movement eradicated it from the earth.
Throughtout these momentous occassions the American middle class became wealthier decade after decade and as a consequence became fatter , slower and not as conserned about the principles of democracy and justice as they counted their wealth in the tens of million and the hundreds of millions. During the Period of 1992 to 2000 middle class Americans , moved from petty milionaires to billionaires. It was during this period ,more than ever in the history of America that middle class America entertained the idea of abandoning their class responsibility and historical attitude.
Seemingly, suddenly, the best middle class in the world seemed duped, and lost, floundering in their wealth. After being 'poisoned' by the glib, with no substance, from President Ronald Reagan, who apart from all his sins against the people, he proposed to 'trickle down' wealth and opportunity, to the middle and lower classes.
He went further and bastardized the Great American Education, by making it possible for our standard of education to fall behind most industrial countries, even China today. This was the first time in our 200 hundred year history that ,the American middle class had abdicated the role of leadership, to the anti liberty, pro-aggressive neo conservatives, who has a burning desire to rewrite the Great American Constitution, in the image of the super rich minority.
Although they fought back and regained some of their dignity by choosing Bill Clinton for President in the 1990's . This was done without conviction and understanding of the historical moment. In fact the Great American middle class was so consumed with their wealth creation ability, that they totally abandoned their social and historical responsibilty mission to protect America and subsequently the world, from the enemies of democracy and liberty.
So when the Neo Cons, created the distractions of attacking , the only eloquent leader of the middle class left, President Clinton. The Great American middle class , were so drunken with affluence they did not see the monster slip pass them into the white house.
The great American middle class, turned their back on the other classes , that depended on their support, for the maintenance of their social and econmic gains. With encouragements from the Yuppies of wallstreet, the defenders of American democracy , began to cower when identified as LIBERALS, who are ereally, the protaganists and defenders of justice for all. They became ashamed of themselves, as the world famous defenders of liberty, freedom and justice. If you call the former Great American middle class, LIBERALS, today, they will cringe and cry , like babies afraid of their past and their shadow.
This once proud and revered American Staple, was now made to look weak and old. This attack was not done by Osama nor Brezhnev from Communist Russia, nor Fidel Castro, but the descedants of those who opposed the Great American Revolution, at the very beginning, and descedents of the defeated Confederate Army. While the American middle class was aiming their attention at breaking the glass ceiling ,trying to join the Tudor upper class in their Manors.
The freedoms and liberty won in the construction of the mighty USA was unceremoniously attacked and demeaned on the altars of the Devils of the neo conservatives republicans.Today the question on the minds, of the affected people in the USA and the rest of the world ; is the Great American middle class down for the count or are they just injured and will fight back and save the democratic civilisation of America.
I think that we are witnessing the demise of the Great American middle class, and subsequently the weakening of the greatest economic and social power since Roman Empire.
Friday, September 30, 2005
In the Board room down in the Dungeon of the Republican Radio Broadcasters producers weekly meeting,a decision was made ; to reassert the confidence of the republican faithful, following the national and international exposure and embarrassment the President got, for his open racial response, to the devastation in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.
As a result of that meeting, William Bennett decided he has no fear , nor love for America, so he would fire up the trailer park, to reignite the Red states, some excitement on behalf of the sagging approval rating of their beloved President Bush.
Since racism is the main pillar of American Republican conservatives , the clarion call had to be racial. Now other Rebulican conservatives talk show devils have also made racial attention calls, since the Katrina hate crime in New Orleans. The oxy maniac radio host from Philly, Rush Limbauch, made his wolf call to the hateful, he called the New Orleans Ray (Neggar ) instead of nagin.
All the pretensive values that was projected to middle class America ,as Red States values of the Right, turned out to be the values of Thieves, Criminals, Liars,Traitors, Power abusers, law breakers, warmongers and racial fascists in the Republican party.
Ashamed for associating themselves with these decadent devils from the bowels of hell, Real America, is distancing themselves from these creatures of the black lagoon, the cesspit of american humankind. Their approval is sunk faster than the Titantic on a hurricane night.
That creature , William Bennett, was the education Secretary in the Administration of the RED DEVILS , patron, President Ronald Reagan. These are the people that are responsible for the bastardisation of the Great American Education system. Where knowledge, was removed from the curriculum ,so as to produce the sex offenders, serial killers and ruthless murderers that emergeed all over America .
To stop this wanton destruction of America, by the Republican conservatives, AMERICA ,you are the only people, to save yourself. THOSE OF YOU WHO STAND TO LOSE MORE, FROM THE INTERNAL DECAY AND DESTRUCTION, OF OUR COUNTRY, ARE THE ONLY ONES LEFT TO SAVE THIS ONCE BRILLANTLY GREAT CIVILISATION.
It is your time , honorable and honest , America ,to shine, get up, stand up . Or Without your flow and glow ....... That's it....... the END . knew it.....
Sunday, September 25, 2005
We have been promoted and touted as the richest nation on the planet. Forbes magazine has headlined and listed who are our big money earners. It has been recorded that we have a population of over 300 million and there exist 400 Billionaires within our national borders.
Nowhere in our psyche were we encouraged to think poverty, was rolled under the rock or the rug. The war President, as George Bush likes to describes himself, eliminated or minimised federal support for middle class , lower class and ordinary people . Even the elderly and the sick have fared no better. The folks that worked their Asses off to build this country , over the last seventy years, have had to scrape and scratch to stay alive because the Republican Administration,sickeningly ignored them in their budget plans.
Katrina devastation of the Gulf Coast, apart from exposing the little known callousness of the President of the UNITED STATES, forced our little known poverty into the spotlight. The hundred miles an hour winds blew off the cover hiding the poverty,that this administration encouraged with such policies as tax kickbacks for the ONE PER CENT super rich of the American population. Taxes that could have been used to bring comfort to working Americans, who not paid sufficiently to take care of their housing, education, kids and health care needs.
Besides refusing to help hard working Americans who are underpaid. The President and his callous administration, have been draining the national treasury dry to engage in a war that has provened to be unjustified and unnecessary. A war that the President shamessly fabricated the reasons to invade another peoples country.
Amid the roaring of the angry winds of Katrina and Rita another noise became audible about our American political and economic future. Apparently this so called money managing party of the CEO'S, have been borrowing money from China to foot their free spending spree. We are not sure how much money America owes China or how long it will take for America to pay back the One Billion chinese. But we know that China has, ever since the formation of the Peoples ' Republic of China, always opposed America bullying smaller nations and non white peoples.
Should China decide to cash in the mortgage on America, they have been given by the George Bush administration, before we are ready to pay , Will they ask for New York to be annexed to the Chinese in return for the money Dubya owes?.
In the final analysis we must admit that the Wall Street yuppies, were wrong , when they told us that a rich nation, need the party of the CEO'S to manage our nation's social , political and economical business. We now know that they will treat our people of lesser means, the way they treat their low income workers. This is the last time we must have a Republican President in the White House. From Richard Nixon thru Ronald Reagan to George Bushes, we have been an economic and social mess . Without racism as part of their message, THE CONSERVATIVES WILL NOT HAVE AN APPEAL TO POOR AMERICANS IN THE RED STATES.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
It's shameless , the level Americans, who were once a highly admired people for our wisdom and seeming fairness, has now sunk to the bottom of the barrell with all the scum and sludge.
Tuesday September 19th ,2005 , clearly signals the diseases we are dying from. Callous opportunism and disregard for kindness.
Miles O'Brien , of CNN, who I love and respect for his journalism and attention to detail. SHOWED HIS DEVILISH REPUBLICAN side on Tuesday 09/19/05. With nose flaring , eyes glaring, and his horns popping, Mr OBrien the morning anchor, tried to rip and snarl the Mayor Of New Orleans , for issuing a call for residents of semingly safe areas to return to homes and review the state of their property, so they may begin at least a preliminary assessment of their future.
So some agreed and some disagreed with this , no big thing, you will hope since every one is trying to find a common place to start the rebuilding process in New Orleans. In the light of Hurricane Rita , Mayor Nagin had to obviously to change the call, and ask those who made it home to leave again. Does that this situation make him a bad leader..Not in my book . That's a sensible leader.
The issue became a national disgrace, when the CNN reporters seem to want to make up for exposing PRESIDENT BUSH inept leadership and international embarrassment, by drilling the Mayor, in an unfair manner, totally unwarranted .
It is plain to see that this attack on the Mayor was meant to appease the REPUBLICANS and an attempt to soften the spot light on bad leadership from the white house. The prolonged seemingly coordinated attack was carried on by the next CNN reporter to follow , Ms. Castello, who had a man and his wife contradicting each other about the efforts of the Mayor to help families re-enter safe areas to review their damaged property. The wife changed her support for the Mayor when she realised her husband changed his mood based on the prompted angle of the questioning ofMs. Castello.
Whatever padded buzz words Ms Castello used the husband caught on and tore into Mr. Nagin.
It reminded me of those movies that depicted court scenes of padded justice, where a mob lynching was about to get approval. Miles OBrien and Ms. Castello took the new orleans mayor out for a good southern Hanging on tuesday 09/19/05
The poor and the undignified cannot get a prolonged success over the the rich and wealthy..... but they will die trying........ Nice job, Miles....signed Karl kove.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Our Dear President Bush, just looked behind him, did not see anybody and was advised that its GOOD damage control politics to accept reluctantly responsibility for the slow response to a gigantic disaster in our country.
Do you think that President Abraham Lincoln wouild have waited this long after an embarassing historical moment, to look around and decide, well, ......oops there is'nt anybody one left in the room but me ..oh, its me that is in charge !
Thank you, President Bush for the Super Power Leadership... and for the example you have set for my 15 year old and ALL the future young leaders... Is there a resignation in the works.?
Yesterday you said that you don't think that RACE played a part in you failing to issue Presidential orders to provide immediate water to the sick and dying. Sir , you flew over the devastation from Crawford , Texas onto Washington D.C. your home and office. You had a panoramic view of homes submerged in water up to their roofs. You saw on CNN and other Networks , horribble tales of Americans in distress in New Orleans, and along the Gulf Coast and you went to sleep. You awoke the next morning, read your newspapers, watched the morming news from every city in America, and saw people dying from lack of water and went back to sleep that night.
Be honest, did the fact that mostly all the footage, showed black people in a major catastrophe take away the urgency of the situation, because you have seen so much mass suffering involving black people from Africa, that it did not phase you at ALL.????
I am stating without fear of contradiction , that you and your Administration had totally the opposite sentiment to what ALL non white poeple felt all over the world.
The non white and black people ( from all over the world ) saw their brethen in distress, and they all knew , or expected, the response, they feared the most, those folks will not be treated as RED blooded Americans.
The sad thing about this episode, is how much white folks in America are in DENIAL. They have seen police brutality on black youths, they have seen the KKK killed and maim women and children churches. They have seen middle class , middle aged men and women, hunderds of them held back by National Guards hurling abuse at Americas 5 and 8 year olds, on their way to the school of their choice. You have men and women who were part of that hatred within the various levels of the Republican Party , in Congress, in various levels of the Bush Administration. Yet they stunningly, behave as if they came to the USA months ago from MARS , with no knowledge, of the hatred of Americans towards other Americans.
This is the background , every non white and black person on this planet assessed the situation, as it unfolded in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. A recent poll done by USA Today and Gallop Poll found that 9 out of 10 white folks do not believe RACE is one of the reasons the federal government failed to come quickly to the rescue of victims in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.
Polls taken of white folks, after the brutal police attack on an African immigrant in a New York police station, did not believe that race had anything to do with it. White folks do not generally make a statement of protest when an action of criminal intent is taken against a non white or black person by State or Federal officials. So it is not surprising to see and read these poll results.
It is very important to note that there are thousands maybe millions of WHITE FOLKS playing a TREMENDOUS role in comforting and supporting the victims of the Hurricane ALL over the USA. These are the Americans together with the other ethnic groups, with their love of humanity, that are protecting America from the wrath of bad luck.
People are products of their environment, ask Doctor Phil. Some white folks, still have not gotten the memo. They expect ALL black folks and non white people to see and react as they do , after over a hundred years of various kinds racial abuse. Doctor Phil has proven dozens of times that people are fashioned by the scenario that surround their lives. Even so, not every abused person or groups of human beings, will show even and level reaction to things around them.
It is an accepted fact that a society like ours is uneven in its distribution of resources and wealth. So poverty is expected as much as we expect, millionaires and billionaires. There is great poverty in THE RED STATES , where people are living in horrible conditions selling their blood to earn a living in the trailer parks and mobile home communities.. These people are white people, hispanic people , black people and all kinds victims of an uneven society. So BIG MOUTHS , with empty brains, like SIR CHARLES BARKLEY, who think it is cool to beat down poor people for being poor. It is sad to be poor , it is mentally exhausting to be poor , in fact POVERT IS A CRIME that conservative politicians and their parties perpetuate as a mission statement.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Without a doubt our President's reaction to the devastation of the Gulf Coast particularly, NEW ORLEANS was motivated by the low class and the ethnicity of people that were affected.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
While other Americans are showing their love for the victims of Katrina , the Hurricane.
I want to tie up a few streams of thought that can lead to the understandable reason for the lack of preparation and almost non existent immediate response.
It was widely predicted that the assuming of the Presidency by George Bush and the control by the republican party of our congress will follow major castasrophes. The problem was not the catastrophe in itself but the leadership that was going to guide us thru it.
The attack on America on Sept11 2001 was bad enough but the President's leadership afterwards , has led to the depletion of our human , material, monetary resources.
Because of the unnecessary war in Iraq the president has ordered numerous budget cuts in areas where 80% of Americans will be affected. Some of the slashes occurred in health , public housing, education and general areas of state and federal development.
One such area had to do with New Orleans and the very people we saw suffering ,third world style.
President Bush slashed the New Orleans, levee maintenance budget , then sacked the civilian chief of the Army Corps of Engineers , Michael Parker, when he complained about it.
So the break in the levee could easily be attributed to lack of maintenance and a catergory 4 hurricane..
So imagine the mindset of the President , even when he declared an emergency prior to the Hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast, he is going to lomit the resources to America to support his war in Iraq .
Neither the Home Land Security Secretary nor the FEMA'S Director could do anthing until they got the approval from the President as to how much Resources could be directed towards the Gulf Coast states following the ravashes of KATRINA.
The war in Iraq is sucking our resources dry , it has caused the initial rise in gas prices. So bringing the Boys home from Iraq, is imperative to maintaining a level of preparedness in case of disaster or emergency. At this moment in our history we could not handle two national emergencies. The slow response was because Home Land Security and FEMA had to wait on President Bush to decide on how much to pinch here and scrape from there from the War budget. So America is now second to the priorities of supporting our President's lies.
To add fuel to our burning embarrassment we have another shock coming .
ON OCTOBER 17 2005, The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and consumer protection Act, goes into into effect. Democrats attempted to amend the Bill to include measures to protect victims of Natural disasters suchas hurricanes.
The Republican Party in congress voted down the amendent, proposed by Sheila Jackson (D-TX) without debate. So all the homeowners on the Gulf Coast, in particular, who may think that they can file for bankruptcy in the wake of their misery can thank the Persident and his Administration for the agony and distress they will endure for years to come.
So it is my view that President Bush does not love America as much as he loves his political position, himself , and the Republican Party. What a mess the RED States have gotten us in.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Every city , every county has rich people, middle class and poor people. We all know that during an emergency, such as a flood, or any other natural disaster, the last folks to respond to the plight of those less able to deal with the adverse conditions are Rich folks.
The Republican Party represent the ruling class / the rich folks in America. We have as intelligent people to understand the economic class behavior of the party in the White House .
Because of their class nature and background it is in the interest of the present Bush Admin. to respond with blinding speed, to emergencies in the other parts of the world than to do the same to areas where poor and lower middleclass Americans live.
President Bush Snr. , responded in the very same fashion as his son, following the Hurricane attack in Homestead South Florida, in the early 1900's. The black and poor folks had to almost riot to get emergency supplies to save their lives.
Then the Federal and state officials , just as they are doing today, tried to distract, America and the world from their slow Ruling class response, by citing desperate measures by desperate people( looting, and craziness by young people) as their main concern.
All the White House Admin's. policies and measures are designed to serve primarily, the rich and their class, it is something poor folks in Florida, Ohio, and the Red states may not have known about the Republican Party, other than they are not opposed to the white supremacists from their neighborhood. It must be noted that the folks in Alabama, Mississippi and New Orleans are not ALL black. So while there is racism influencing the response to Hurricane victims, it is also an anti poor /middle class attitude.
Under any conditions this is the fault of the Administration and the Presidentand commanderin chief. He failed to lead his troops to take care of a national emergency. He has failed and should be fired.
Monday, August 22, 2005
I asked my christian friend, what about the anti christ we have been hearing about, is he here yet?
She said that he can be anybody that is setting himself as devout christian, yet doing harm to the people generally. Hmm.... I wonder who could that be??
This question came up in response to a newspaper story, that highlighted a Teacher , who wrote senator Mel Martinez to complain that the education system is weak because of immigration. Well, Senator Mel Martinez is both a product of immigration and the education system , so Miss Thing, the teacher, got the boot up her Booty, for scapegoating.
Since the Republican Administration, has been in the White House, and following 9/11, scapegoating has risen as an excuse to justify cruelty to sections of society.
In American history scapegoating has been used primarily during periods of uncertainty.
The failure of the southern economy in the late19th century and early 20th century was blamed on African Americans refusing to labor for FREE.
Movie Celebrities were scapegoated for the rise in Liberal thinking in America, after WWII, and branded as communists, to initiate an anti democratic crackdown.
Internationally, Hitler scapegoated , the Jews to build popularity for his Fascists doctrine.
Idi Amin of Uganda, scapegoated Uganda-Asians, drove them out of their homes and country to build himself an everlasting popularity. The common thread running throughtout all these examples and more are : They are aimed at minorities, and are always encouraged and administered by conservative, republican-type, fascists groups and Governments.
Presently members of congress, primarily Republicans from the Southern and RED states have been encouraging their supporters to single out sections of the ethnic population and brand them as enemies, to be attacked . The entire Hispanic population is targetted as a scapegoat. All immigrants not from sweden and the former soviet republics are scapegoated. Caribbean Baseball players are targetted , by a front man, as reasons for teams substandard performances.
Remember the French , were targetted as enemies, for not supporting our President's pack of Lies.
All these instances of scapegoating since 2000, has been tacitly and openly supported by the silence of the White House Administration, their extremists fringe groups and certain members of congress , particularly from rhe RED states.
The ironic thing about the concept of scapegoating is, that the most notorious scapegoating, took place in the 17th century. Where the ancestors of much the white Australians and the early white settlers of North America (most now living in the RED states ) were scapedgoated by King Charles of England and bandished from England simply for not supporting the King.
The concept of the USA being the largest multi racial, multi cultural, multi religious country in the world is not yet accepted by members of congress and the Republican White House Administration so the obvious differences are exploited , to the detriment of our great country.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Tom Cruise was sending us a message and I only just got it. Six weeks ago, I saw 'War of the Worlds' with my wife and two kids. My kids and I agreed on the story of the Movie, my wife had a different view.
Yesterday I visted a Right Wing weblog. After, I became so incensed by the Bullnonsense , conniving Lies, misinformation, and revision of the facts by this God (devil) worshiping blogger. That I spent the rest of my sleeping time thinking of the best response on my weblog.
While I was getting dressed, for work it dawned on me that the EVIL THREATENING AMERICA is not really external,it only appears this way, just as the thunder and lightening seem to affect the residents ,in Tom Cruise neighborhood at the beginning of the movie, 'WAR OF THE WORLDS".
Philosophy has taught generations, that it is the internal conflicts/ contradictions within a thing , that causes its movement/progress (negative or positive).
In the movie, there appeared within the bowels of our country, the source of the chaos and deaths, the evil things were living amongst us all these years waiting to destroy our country and families upon instructions.
The strange thing about the evil descending its darkness on our happiness was the way it happened, suddenly. Just like November 2000, the election of George Bush and its aftermath.
The circumstances of sept.11, 2001 also reveals another possibly, thru out the flim. Could it be that 9/11 was conceived within the USA , and appeared to be executed from external forces. The moral of the story concludes that the people who had the most to lose from the success of the the evil monsters amongst us, were the ones to fight the hardest to secure victory, for all of us. The other striking conclusion is that the main controller was a very distinct looking ugly white man.
Does that mean if we can in reality find that evil man (amongst us) , we may be able to have , in America again, the joy and happiness that Tom Cruise 's family found at the end of the movie.
Of course there are many examples of the aura of darkness and evil that has mushroomed since November 2000, There are for example, the leading role given to the anti-christians Christians; Governmental support for the mercenaries of evil ( the minute men) on the Mexican Border, who wants to kill any mexican on sight. But will show love to Canadians doing the same thing.
Tell me what spirit can motivate a man , a Republican supporter, no doubt, to mow down crosses with his Truck , crosses representing, we are constantly reminded, our heroes killed in Iraq. Notice , these men and women have not been killed defeating, TERRORISTS, but fighting insurgents ( the 21st century, guerrillas) fighting for their own country.
Check me next time.... for the news on what century this evil came to America.
Monday, August 15, 2005
American consumers were the most admired inthe world. Consumers from Europe , Asia and south America admired the wide variety of quality products and services available and all loved the American spirit of shopping.
But there was one quality of the American shopper that everybody the worldover were most proud of, it was our demand for standards, standards in quality , service and price. We were the revolutionary consumer, neither the manufacturer nor the white house administration were spared the wrath of our organisation and response, to defeat high prices or poor quality products.
The Bush Administration is now labelling the GREAT USA as a conservative country, who are no longer leading the world against high prices and consumer protection. We now roll over like a 240 year old man and accept what ever is thrown at us as consumers. We behave like we are ALL , the 8% very rich , who we pay the price even if its astonshingly ridiculous.
America, we are now sophisticatedly conservative, we are posh people, we don't protest, we accept our COOL AID, from the conservative leader, and wait to die .
The frigging price of gas is $258.98 per gallon. Five dollars gives you only 1.8 gallons of gas .
Isn't this over 100% the cost of gas since George W. Bush invaded Iraq. We are paying in lives
and hard income dollars for our President's folly. Suddenly S5.95 per hour families , and $8.25 per hour families are as conservative as families earning at least $100.00 per hour.
It is amazing how stupid we have ALL MORPHED into.
Since the 2000 elections, check out the American personality , we threaten terrorists OSAMA , SADDAM, NORTH KOREA even IRAN when we have to send our Kids to fight on our behalf
but when it is our turn to intiate some action, we are soft and weak, too posh , too conservative to say Boo.
So when our Heroes return home from the front line , with broken spirits and bones they are welcomed by weaklings who did not stand and defend the standard of living left behind
C'mon America get your thumb out of your mouth...... Your silence is deafening....
Monday, August 01, 2005
It"s August 2005, it 's time for FOOTBALL, .....yeah, yeah.....yeahhhhh. Most wifes that are not sports minded will NOT care what their husbands, sons or fathers do every sunday until Super Bowl. Some are preparing to be part of the weekend party taking place at stadiums around the country.
Other domineering Wifes are growling and snarling at the mention of DIRECTV by their Husbands.
These husbands are coming to my office and asking for info. about the NFL SUNDAY TICKET and the FREE Tivo. They happily take my business card hoping to call me after discussion with the BOSS only they never could get their woman's support to enjoy sunday at home with the guys , the barbecue wings and NFL football.
For those that have cooperative lovely Wifes, here is the deal, :
A FreeTivo, to record and watch two games at the sametime.
The NFL SUNDAT TICKET with 16 games on sunday.
Three Regular Receivers ---------------FREE
215 channels olus the NFL TICKET ....STARTS $69.99 for four months
A Free $50.00 gift card from Target
If you live on the West Coast of Florida or Central Florida
call me@ 1877/249/2777 ,............. LLOYD
Friday, July 29, 2005
Congratulations to Senator Frist, he has responded as a professional Healer, and Doctor, you agreed to help mankind eleviate sickness and diseases, by supporting Stem cell research.
The posibilities are enormous for patients all over the world. Thank goodness you have cut one the strangling cords that President Bush and his extremist fringe groups have woven around the political, social and moral necks of us Americans.
This morning on Television you should have worn a sign in front of you claiming " DEFEAT PRESIDENT BUSH EXTREMIST FRINGE GROUPS", you might have qualified for nomination for a noble peace prize.
I hope this means that you recognise that is need for a progressive American Administration to keep step with the 21st century, that is far away from the controlling nature of the religious Right. It appears that President Bush promises to veto any progressive legislation that is counter to the extremist fringe groups, philosophy , too bad.
Monday, July 18, 2005
For more than a hundred years our Constitution, with its illustrious history of coming into being , was the most revered on this planet. Our Presidents had to portray themselves as honorable men befitting the leader of the FREE world.
George Bush snr, as President tried to maintain that image , even though he had a good reason to launch a massive attack on SADDAM HUSSIEN following Iraq's attack on its neighbor.
He came to the American people and humbly sought their support and the support of other countries so that he can take corrective action. No obvious misinformation to congress or the united nations. He maintained the integrity and dignity of AMERICA as we were about to launch a war on Iraq..
The present President George W. Bush, his son , did not show the same respect to US or maintained the same integrity the office. He together with his bunch of undercover gang of 'bad intention' neocons prepared a plan to deceive us AMERICANS and the world with lies and misinformation to justify an ilconceived decision to invade Iraq for OIL reasons where our brave soldiers die............... for ALL kinds of reasons.
Suddenly in America its no big thing to LIE, anybody can tell you an untruth and give you false information and they can feel free that there will be no consequences. Public offcials , particularly those of the Republican persuasion , from Congress to the county Administrator have been given the green light from the example of the Commander of Chief.
This is just like politics in the Third World, e.g. Bangaldesh, Suriname, Sri Lanka, Libya or 17 th century England , where the Head Honcho did not care about respect or integrity , he is the Boss , what ever he says goes. You can either like or Lump it.
The USA of today, is captalist in our economy, this good, but since the Bush Administration have been in power, , our politics however has going backwards towards Feudalism .
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
In those circumstances the smell I will get will be similar to the scent of the forest after a light shower of rain. That gritty smell always make feel to eat something wet like damp earth or a fully aroused pussy. The magical aroma of coffee can influence your disposition depending on the environment. A great example is when you visit Granny and she puts on the coffee and it begins to brew, that aroma at the grandparents, reminds you why you love them so, or at least why I love being around them when they were alive.
There is another magic of the coffee aroma that is triggered when the coffee is brewing at your parents home . I loved that coffee smell when we sat at the breakfast table with brothers , sisters and cousins (female) . The mood that is created is joyful with signals being sent with a lot of foot touching and gentle rubbing . As kids, the dining room , the breakfast , the combined scent really brought a warm feeling and innocent excitement.
The best mood that brewed coffee creates , is following a strong night of sweet sex that last into the morning and you are sleeping only to be awakened by a strong aroma coming towards your nostrils from a room outside where you are sleeping.
The tinkling of teacups assure you that work is going on the kitchen. Dreamily you get a stronger whiff of the sexy coffee and you see the best sight on a sunday morning, Your wife (girlfriend ) walking in dressed in your shirt with nothing underneath inviting you to savour the moment , the atmosphere and the scene of the shirt slightly opening showing her upper thigh close to her source of ALL sweetness. You take a deep sip of this exotic coffee , you kiss her lips and taste heated liquid beans, sex and desire so you show your appreciation by diving nose first into her Flower garden, blending erotica with exotica . The coffee and its Aroma Rules.
If you smell the Burro, you may have lost a lot of senses and maybe leaning towards insanity or soon could be a serial killer........... of burros
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Instead within two shorts years every country on Earth was demonstrating against our country, neutralising the goodwill and love, almost every human being directed towards us , the USA.
This selective group, in my opinion is a very dangerous collaboration. Their philosophy, of dislike for common democracy, disrespect for the law that hinders their path, imposing their view and will "mafia style" . One the groups ideological operatives is identified as possibly the source, in fingering the CIA wife of one of their critics.
So our President sent our troops after SADDAM HUSSEIN under false pretext. The citizens of Iraq responds to the invasion, the destruction of their country.
Our history has taught us that when the Commander in Chief George Washington was trying to impede the English invasion of New York, after we declared our independence in 1776, he sought permission from to burn down the buildings to repel the invasion. An invasion is a cruel destruction of all a people has put together over thousand of years.
What is the expected response from us Americans, if a ludicrous leader sent his troops after our President, even if he became very unpopular, like 15% approval rating. Are we not expected to defend our honor , our heritage, our infrastructure, the Pride of our people with our last breathe.
Well, we must YELL for our troops to be returned HOME almost immediately. we have lost the justification to remain there being killed and killing people that are responding to an unjust war that was organised and promoted on false pretexts.
My grandmother always said if you get your hands caught in the cookie jar , don't deny your intentions, the punishments only gets worse. The moment our President was caught lying to our Congress, the United Nations and the American people he should have claimed responsibility and ask for our forgiveness thereby seeking to win the Planet's sympathy. In this context he would have been able to win over a sizable section of the Iraqi fighters to a cease fire. This would saved hundreds of our troops and thousands of Iraqis citizens....... It's ALL about tactics and strategy , stupid........
No our President cannot manfully take a progressive position because his main support group of Anti Democratic feudalistic Monarchists(Ultra Republicans) will leave him stranded as they did NEWT GINGRICH.
So Mr. and Mrs. America, White ,Black and ALL colors in between, Super Rich, Rich, destitute and ALL social strata in between . Where is our Democratic USA heading.. Many Americans file for divorce when our Spouse is caught lying............ so whats keeping YOU this time...... I know ... the word TERRORIST.... If we publicise that we are afraid they will always stalk US..
AnUnknown Plane is buzzing over head, so the number ONE Capitol in the world runs for cover???? that's so embarrassing.
While the threat from terrorists are real, in my opinion, if our President was not advised to use TERROR TALK as a support getter we would have given our defense personnel the credit and not show our fear so cowardly to the WORLD. Imagine the guffawing of the cavedwellers , somewhere in Afghanistan.